Happened to read an excellent book titled "Unposted Letter" by TT Rangarajan, founder of FrozenThoughts.
The book is a great treatise on Management / Life Skills and is full of valuable tips for aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs. One thing that attracted me was a piece on non-performers in organizations. He equates non-performers with rotten tomatoes, which will spoil other good ones too.
Rangarajan says:
"Even if an organisation is progressing exceptionally well, not all their staff will be competent and committed people, there will be some average ones and of course, a few troublemakers too .... they come as an integrated package. Ironically, the energy, time and effort that gets sapped in managing the few troublemakers is no less compared to leading competent and committed majority. Why give the few so much of you? Why not fire them and invest the resource saved on the productive ones?
One rotten tomato will soom spoil all the other tomatoes. Haven't you noticed a non-performer soon forms a team of other non-performers around him? If you can't mend them, end them! Throw the rotten tomato out and save the good tomatoes. Do I sound apathetic? Any organisation that sympathises with non-performers will soon need the sympathy of others"
"Unposted Letter" throws lots of insights on varied topics.