The whole country is on the boil. People were dumbstruck when the media explained how many zeroes were there for Rs 1.76 lakh crore. At this juncture, a couple of days back, I happened to view a program aired 'Live' by Kalaignar TV, DMK's mouthpiece.
A conglomerate of 'eminent persons' including Dravidar Kazhagam president K Veeramani, Blackshirt Suba Veerapandian, Media man AS Panneerselvan, father Jagath Gaspar, television anchor Ramesh Prabha and others were speaking in defence of A Raja, the epitome of corruption.
These people virtually gave a clean chit to Raja and went a step ahead describing him as an 'icon of efficiency and honesty!!!'. Stating that the English media was hunting Raja just because he was a dalit, these 'eminent people' said that the democracy itself was in big danger. They wanted immediate regulation on English news channels.
One is at a loss to understand why the media was hunting Raja alone while there were countless dalits who are in hot seats of power in the country.
After each passing day, the magnitude of the 2G spectrum scam is becoming increasingly clear. But, these 'eminent people', who have risen to safeguard democracy, not only say that Raja is a honest politician, but also want the media to portray him so!
However, I was not surprised to hear such a 'great' argument from these 'eminent men'. Most of them have already come in open support of 'great' personalities like sandalwood smuggler Veerappan, LTTE's Prabhakaran and other notorious elements. These people will talk about 'human rights' only in the context of these 'greats'. Their hearts bleed only when they think about the plight of Rajiv killers languishing in jails.
These 'eminent men' do not have any shame. They will defend Raja even if the court convicts him after a detailed enquiry.
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